Home IT Support

Do you spend hours trying to get your computer to work for you? Are you thinking of investing in a home computer setup but not sure where to start? Do you sometimes feel like IT is making your life worse, not better?

You want to relax in your home and be able to access technology with ease – why waste your own precious time when WebbEasy iT can handle it all, with competitive hourly rates, free call-out to inner southeast suburbs of Melbourne, plain-english expert advice and great flexibility, including after-hours appointments and remote access assistance?

WebbEasy iT takes your home technology situation from a hair-tearing hassle to a smooth, simple joy.

Services include:

  • Disaster recovery and virus removal
  • Computer equipment setup
  • Hardware and software diagnosis, repairs and upgrades
  • Internet and wireless network setup
  • Advice and recommendations on software, hardware and gadget purchases
  • Entertainment system assistance and setup (Blu-ray, sound system integration, etc)
  • Personal IT training; general computer use, social media, specific software applications, gadgets (iPhones, iPads, etc)
  • Data backup and recovery services
  • Computer maintenance; system updates, antivirus scans, monthly checkups, maintaining registers of passwords, warranties, etc